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客製 typescript 內容

import { generateApi } from "swagger-typescript-api";

await generateApi({
template: "path_to_template_dir",

例如 swagger-typescript-api 用下列樣板產生 api class,如果有其他需要可以直接調整該樣板

<!-- 計算資料 -->
const { apiConfig, routes, utils, config } = it;
const { info, servers, externalDocs } = apiConfig;
const { _, require, formatDescription } = utils;

const server = (servers && servers[0]) || { url: "" };

const descriptionLines = _.compact([
`@title ${info.title || "No title"}`,
info.version && `@version ${info.version}`,
info.license && `@license ${_.compact([,
info.license.url && `(${info.license.url})`,
]).join(" ")}`,
info.termsOfService && `@termsOfService ${info.termsOfService}`,
server.url && `@baseUrl ${server.url}`,
externalDocs.url && `@externalDocs ${externalDocs.url}`, && `@contact ${_.compact([, && `<${}>`, && `(${})`,
]).join(" ")}`,
info.description && " ",
info.description && _.replace(formatDescription(info.description), /\n/g, "\n * "),


<!-- 是否用 axios 做 http client -->
<% if (config.httpClientType === config.constants.HTTP_CLIENT.AXIOS) { %> import type { AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse } from "axios"; <% } %>

<!-- api 描述 -->
<% if (descriptionLines.length) { %>
<% descriptionLines.forEach((descriptionLine) => { %>
* <%~ descriptionLine %>

<% }) %>
<% } %>

<!-- api class 是否使用 axios -->
export class <%~ config.apiClassName %><SecurityDataType extends unknown><% if (!config.singleHttpClient) { %> extends HttpClient<SecurityDataType> <% } %> {

<!-- 是否為單一 http client -->
<% if(config.singleHttpClient) { %>
http: HttpClient<SecurityDataType>;

constructor (http: HttpClient<SecurityDataType>) {
this.http = http;
<% } %>

<!-- modular: true -->
<% if (routes.outOfModule) { %>
<% for (const route of routes.outOfModule) { %>

<!-- 迭帶寫出所有 route 方法 -->
<%~ includeFile('./procedure-call.ejs', {, route }) %>

<% } %>
<% } %>

<!-- modular: false -->
<% if (routes.combined) { %>
<% for (const { routes: combinedRoutes = [], moduleName } of routes.combined) { %>
<%~ moduleName %> = {
<% for (const route of combinedRoutes) { %>

<!-- 迭帶寫出所有 route 方法 -->
<%~ includeFile('./procedure-call.ejs', {, route }) %>

<% } %>
<% } %>
<% } %>


使用 primitiveTypeConstructs 選項,指定後端型別預設的 typescript 型別

type PrimitiveTypeStructValue =
| string
| ((
schema: Record<string, any>,
parser: import("./src/schema-parser/schema-parser").SchemaParser
) => string);

type PrimitiveTypeStruct = Record<
"integer" | "number" | "boolean" | "object" | "file" | "string" | "array",
| string
| ({ $default: PrimitiveTypeStructValue } & Record<

declare const primitiveTypeConstructs: (
struct: PrimitiveTypeStruct
) => Partial<PrimitiveTypeStruct>;

// ...
primitiveTypeConstructs: (struct) => ({
integer: () => "number",
number: () => "number",
boolean: () => "boolean",
object: () => "object",
file: () => "File",
string: {
$default: () => "string",

/** formats */
binary: () => "File",
file: () => "File",
"date-time": () => "string",
time: () => "string",
date: () => "string",
duration: () => "string",
email: () => "string",
"idn-email": () => "string",
"idn-hostname": () => "string",
ipv4: () => "string",
ipv6: () => "string",
uuid: () => "string",
uri: () => "string",
"uri-reference": () => "string",
"uri-template": () => "string",
"json-pointer": () => "string",
"relative-json-pointer": () => "string",
regex: () => "string",
array: (schema, parser) => {
const content = parser.getInlineParseContent(schema.items);
return parser.safeAddNullToType(schema, `(${content})[]`);

例子,date-time 一律改為 Date

primitiveTypeConstructs: (struct) => ({
string: {
"date-time": "Date",

校正 typescript 型別

使用 codeGenConstructs 選項,方法類似 primitiveTypeConstructs,會覆蓋指定的類型

// ...
codeGenConstructs: (struct) => ({
Keyword: {
Number: "number",
String: "string",
Boolean: "boolean",
Any: "any",
Void: "void",
Unknown: "unknown",
Null: "null",
Undefined: "undefined",
Object: "object",
File: "File",
Date: "Date",
Type: "type",
Enum: "enum",
Interface: "interface",
Array: "Array",
Record: "Record",
Intersection: "&",
Union: "|",
CodeGenKeyword: {
UtilRequiredKeys: "UtilRequiredKeys",
* $A[] or Array<$A>
ArrayType: (content) => {
if (this.anotherArrayType) {
return `Array<${content}>`;

return `(${content})[]`;
* "$A"
StringValue: (content) => `"${content}"`,
* $A
BooleanValue: (content) => `${content}`,
* $A
NumberValue: (content) => `${content}`,
* $A
NullValue: (content) => content,
* $A1 | $A2
UnionType: (contents) => _.join(_.uniq(contents), ` | `),
* ($A1)
ExpressionGroup: (content) => (content ? `(${content})` : ""),
* $A1 & $A2
IntersectionType: (contents) => _.join(_.uniq(contents), ` & `),
* Record<$A1, $A2>
RecordType: (key, value) => `Record<${key}, ${value}>`,
* readonly $key?:$value
TypeField: ({ readonly, key, optional, value }) =>
readonly && "readonly ",
optional && "?",
": ",
* [key: $A1]: $A2
InterfaceDynamicField: (key, value) => `[key: ${key}]: ${value}`,
* $A1 = $A2
EnumField: (key, value) => `${key} = ${value}`,
* $A0.key = $A0.value,
* $A1.key = $A1.value,
* $AN.key = $AN.value,
EnumFieldsWrapper: (contents) =>, ({ key, value }) => ` ${key} = ${value}`).join(",\n"),
* {\n $A \n}
ObjectWrapper: (content) => `{\n${content}\n}`,
* /** $A *\/
MultilineComment: (contents, formatFn) =>
...(contents.length === 1
? [`/** ${contents[0]} */`]
: ["/**", => ` * ${content}`), " */"]),
].map((part) => `${formatFn ? formatFn(part) : part}\n`),
* $A1<...$A2.join(,)>
TypeWithGeneric: (typeName, genericArgs) => {
return `${typeName}${
genericArgs.length ? `<${genericArgs.join(",")}>` : ""

例子,物件類型統一為 Record

// ...
codeGenConstructs: (struct) => ({
Keyword: {
Object: "Record<string, any>",

移除不需要的 route

api calls names #380

import { generateApi } from "swagger-typescript-api";

await generateApi({
hooks: {
onPrepareConfig: (config) => {
if (!config.routes.combined) return;

config.routes.combined = config.routes.combined.filter(
(r) => r.moduleName !== "auth"


import { generateApi } from "swagger-typescript-api";

await generateApi({
// 輸出檔案名稱,如果輸出結果是多個檔案 ( 例如啟用 modular ) 就不會用到;不設定就會變成 .ts
name: "MySuperbApi.ts",

// 預設 api 回傳資料是不是只有成功沒有失敗,會影響請求失敗 Error 的型別
defaultResponseAsSuccess: true,

// 產生 HttpClient,也就是呼叫 api 方法的 class,設定 false 就只會產生相關 interface
generateClient: true,

// 不太確定在做什麼,設定 true 會根據每個 route 產生 namespace
generateRouteTypes: false,

// 產生 js 檔案,而不是 ts,但是會提供 .d.ts 檔案
toJS: false,

各 route method 請求參數輸出成型別,下面是大概的示意內容

type RequestRecord = ({ Id: string }) => Promise<RecordSet>


type RequestRecordParams = { Id: string }
type RequestRecord = (params: RequestRecordParams) => Promise<RecordSet>
extractRequestParams: false,

// 同上,但對象是 body
extractRequestBody: false,

// prettier 設定,預設會讀取專案的 prettier 設定
prettier: {
printWidth: 120,
tabWidth: 2,
trailingComma: "all",
parser: "typescript",

// 如果沒有 response ,該 response 型別定義,默认为void
defaultResponseType: "void",

// 見
enumNamesAsValues: false,

// 見
generateUnionEnums: false,

// 產生的型別名稱附加的前後輟
typePrefix: '',
typeSuffix: '',

// 產生的 enum 名稱附加的前後輟
enumKeyPrefix: '',
enumKeySuffix: '',

// generate readonly properties (default: false)
addReadonly: false,

extraTemplates (NodeJS option)
type (Record<string, any> & { name: string, path: string })[]
This thing allow you to generate extra ts\js files based on extra templates (one extra template for one ts\js file)
[Example here]{@link}
extraTemplates: []

// 是否啟用 primitiveTypeConstructs 的 array 功能
anotherArrayType: false,

// prefix string value needed to fix invalid type names (default: 'Type')
// 使用前輟修正 type 無效的名稱
fixInvalidTypeNamePrefix: "Type",

prefix string value needed to fix invalid enum keys (default: 'Value')
使用前輟修正 enum 無效的 key 名稱

export enum SystemReflectionTypeAttributes {
// 不符合 ts 規則
0 = 0
// 加上前輟修正
Value0 = 0
fixInvalidEnumKeyPrefix: "Value"
